SEEMLA 3rd Project Meeting and 1st National Workshop in Rome, Italy (8 – 9 November 2016)
Press Release Rome 9 November 2016
From 8-9 November, 2016 the 3rd SEEMLA Project Meeting was taking place in the facilities of the Ariston Hotel Rome, Italy, organized by Legambiente Onlus. On the first day of the meeting the SEEMLA consortium came together to talk and discuss about the project’s progress, and also to plan and organise upcoming tasks and events, i.e. the SEEMLA Session at the General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union (EGU) in Vienna at the end of April, 2017. In the afternoon an internal workshop about definitions and settings for the life cycle assessment (WP4) was held by the WP leader IFEU.
On the 2nd day of the meeting ca. 15 stakeholders were participating in the 1st SEEMLA National Workshop which was again initiated and supported by Legambiente Onlus. Speakers from the region as well as from partner projects, i.e. FORBIO and SRCplus were invited, namely:
- Beppe Croce, Head of the Sustainable Agriculture Department, Legambiente Onlus;
- Antonio Brunori, Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), Secretary General;
- Lorenzo Ciccarese, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA);
- Olivier Dubois, FAO, Senior Natural Resources Officer and Leader of the Energy Programme;
- Massimo Fagnano, Università die Napoli Federico II;
- Marco Colangeli, FORBIO project, programme adviser;
- Stefan Hinterreiter, SRCplus project, Biomassehof Achental GmbH & Co. KG.
The 2nd National Workshop will take place in Berlin, Germany, at the end of March, 2017, and will be organised by FNR; the next SEEMLA Project Meeting and 3rd National Workshop will be hosted by the Ukrainian partners in Lviv, at the end of May, 2017.
Ciao e grazie Roma! See you soon in Berlin and Lviv – До зустрічі в Берліні і Львові!