Legambiente Onlus

Legambiente, founded in 1980, is the most widespread environmental organization in Italy, with its headquarter in Rome, 20 Regional branches, more than 1.000 local groups in the whole country and more than 110.000 members and activists. Legambiente is one of the leading member of EEB (European Environmental Bureau) the Federation of European environmental organizations, and of IUCN – the World Conservation Union. Legambiente is also member of CIPRA (International Commission for the Protection of the Alps) and Federparchi (Italian Federation of Parks and Natural Reserves). Its hallmark is the scientific environmentalism, which is the willingness to build every environmental protection project on a solid base made of scientific data. The mission is to make the environmental culture the centre of a new kind of development and diffused well-being. Important values for the association are the improvement of environmental quality, the fight against all forms of pollution, a wise use of natural resources, the construction of a more balanced relationship between human beings and the nature. Legambiente believes that new lifestyles together with technology development are necessary to build a sustainable and equitable future. Education policies (inside and outside schools and universities) are able to influence scientific knowledge, cultural approaches and collective and individual responsibilities. Based on that, Legambiente is engaged in educational policies on multiple fronts. Each year our experts run several campaigns where children and parents together collaborate to improve schools and cities liveability and safety. Moreover, Legambiente has created public information desks to propose concrete and practical ideas and solutions to improve people’s quality of life and reduce their environmental impact. Moreover, Legambiente carried out several projects financed by European Commission, as partner and as coordinator, since 1999.
