GHG accounting and mitigation event in Brussels
On the occasion of the GHG accounting and mitigation in feedstock production event in Brussels on 23 May, 2017, SEEMLA interacted as support. The meeting has been hosted by FNR and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), and was taking place at the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the EU in Brussels. Experts in the field of agriculture, agroecology and bioenergy including representatives from the BMEL, the European Commission (CLIMA), Universities and European research institutes were invited as solicited speakers; more than 60 guests from Poland, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany amongst others participated in the event and contributed actively to the panel discussion that was also part of the meeting, elaborating future perspectives of a sustainable feedstock production for bioenergy purposes focusing on the Energy and Climate Fund (EKF). – Further information and upcoming national grant opportunities with regard to the EKF are supported by FNR, contact: Mr. Ludger Wenzelides (l[dot]wenzelides[at]fnr[dot]de).