Author: Wibke Baumgarten

GHG accounting and mitigation event in Brussels

On the occasion of the GHG accounting and mitigation in feedstock production event in Brussels on 23 May, 2017, SEEMLA interacted as support. The meeting has been hosted by FNR and the Federal Ministry...

SEEMLA at LIGNA 2017 Hanover

More than 42,000 visitors from abroad and ca. 95,000 visitors in total attended the LIGNA 2017 in Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany. More than 1,500 exhibitors presented new technologies in wood industries including also the bioenergy...

SEEMLA at EUBCE 2017 in Stockhom

SEEMLA will be represented and contribute on the occasion of the 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) in Stockholm Sweden, hosted by ETA-Florence. Further information is available on We are looking forward...