D6.5 – Report on the review actions
The main objective of this deliverable is to present the methodology and results of the reviewing process of the overall SEEMLA approach. Reviewing was a continuous process during the SEEMLA project development. The main platform for reviewing was the themed webinars organized by project partners from the 9th until the 34th month of project implementation.
Therefore, the SEEMLA consortium decided to conduct a questionnaire survey (which results are presented and discussed in the second chapter of this report) among stakeholders, experts, and administrators in order to ask them about their opinion on the overall exploitation strategy of MagLs for bioenergy production. Personal invitation emails were sent to 77 stakeholders out of the relative SEEMLA list, encouraging them to participate in the survey. The list was compiled with regard to suggestions from all project partners and it mostly included representatives of research institutions, universities, as well as private companies involved in the field of biomass and public administration officials.