D3.4 – Report on implementation of proposed policies
This report, prepared by FNR (lead partner of the project), includes the experiences gathered from experts (from NGOs, public administration, private mediation business, politicians and other relevant
stakeholders) who are already or would like to produce biomass for energy from MagLs in the SEEMLA case study regions.
For this purpose and to gather first hand experiences, a questionnaire was developed and information about individual experiences in the area of bioenergy production combined with the use of marginal lands (MagLs) was inquired. However, the focus of the questionnaire concentrated on the interviews evaluations of what role MagLs are playing and could potentially play for the biomass
production in their region and the whole country. Furthermore, it was asked for possibilities to increase interest in this specific topic – preferably followed by suitable actions. In this context, the addressed stakeholders should also comment on an adequate adaption of the national political and regulatory framework.
The questionnaire was developed and assessed in the survey management tool “EUSurvey”.
This report is strictly connected to:
- The D3.1 ‘Overview of policy landscapes’ of the SEEMLA project, which investigated the policy landscape in the SEEMLA partner countries, considering general aspects of the current policy framework and the legal status regarding biomass production for bioenergy, including aspects of environmental protection and sustainability.
- The D3.2 ‘On regional policies for the use of biomass from MagLs and strategies for pilot cases’, which elaborated relevant measures for the use of biomass for bioenergy from MagLs and strategies for SEEMLA pilot case sites in Germany, Greece and Ukraine
- The D3.3 ‘Catalogue of proposed policies on regional and EU level’ which developed a summary of policies which are relevant for the SEEMLA approach implementing in the partner countries German, Greek and Ukraine..