D 6.1 – GIS application for MagL types availability
MagLs, as identified in WP2, may not be exploitable for bioenergy due to regulatory and legal restrictions and constraints posed by national or EU policies applied (e. g. MagLs within Natura2000 areas or within military zones).
The examination of these policies in WP3 has provided the related information to filter the database of identified MagLs in WP2. The synthesis of information regarding MagLs existence and restrictions set by land use and other policies applied in these areas will result in the determination of MagLs, where bioenergy exploitation is allowed by the applied policies. The characteristics of these MagLs together with the biological characteristics of bioenergy plants (WP2) were used to develop an algorithm that matches the characteristics of the available MagLs with the biological demands of the plants to result in MagLs availability for each bioenergy plant.
The database and the algorithm have been incorporated into a GIS application, where the results take the form of thematic maps (MagL types available for exploitation per bioenergy plant). The GIS application works as the technical and innovative “translation” of the results derived from tasks 2.1 to 2.4 and will facilitate future development in other regions.
This report has been prepared by DUTH; all partners were asked to review and apply proposals, as well as test the (developed) tools and to give feedback to the WP leader to refine the tools.