D 2.4 – Guidebook of methodology to identify MagL and assess their availability in Europe; GIS model & Web-based application
This report corresponds to D2.4 “Guidebook of methodology to identify MagL and assess their availability in Europe; GIS model to identify location of MagL, provide their evaluation of basic criteria – Work Plan of SEEMLA”.
It has been prepared by Seemla partner Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH).
A challenge for the utilization of marginal lands is the solely missing knowledge of the availability of the latter by the different stakeholders. When numbers are available, these are often vague estimations. This task aims to develop a methodology to help identify the availability of any type of MagL. The development of a common methodology is based mainly on indicators derived from task 2.3. Furthermore, results from research projects about availability of MagLs, as well as databases and their estimations on availability of MagL in the EU are assessed.
This task also involves the development of a model that identifies a land parcel (or unit) as MagL (sub-categories) or not, combining all the available data of land into a single value. The model has the form of an application (web-based) that examines all land characteristics and determines whether they fulfill the criteria of the marginal land definition set in task 2.1.
In cases where spatial data are available this land characterization takes the form of a thematic map of marginal lands available for biomass exploitation. For these cases a GIS model based on the methodology described above has been designed. The GIS model will work as the technical and innovative “translation” of the results derived from tasks 2.1 to 2.3 and will facilitate future development in other regions. Thus, the GIS model has been developed in a sophisticated way that permits inputs of additional data and easy architecture modifications without causing inconsistencies. This will facilitate further development by incorporating results derived from WP4. The common methodology guidelines, web-based application and GIS model will be the basic elements for supporting the decision making by all types of stakeholders related to biomass production. They will also form the essential background for the development of SEEMLA tools in WP6.
Focus has been given to a European overview, although the common methodology in the form of a GIS model will be developed primarily for partner countries and will be tested during WP5 in pilot cases in order to give an estimation of the availability of MagLs in that specific regions. In addition by applying the GIS model to pilot cases a test on the SEEMLA tools, developed in WP6, will be performed.
Guidelines for the methodology and a basic GIS model for the EU countries will be provided but the development of a methodology ready for use from EU28 stakeholders is really an aspired task that exceeds the capacities of this project. The distribution and further use of this model after the end of the project should be secured in WP7.
The methodology has been developed in the concept worked out with IBC&SB and other partners, gathered in a GIS model by DUTH. Results will be further discussed and finalized in cooperation with the consortium, relying on their expertise and their national knowledge. The report of MagL availability assessment and the GIS model will be further processed and integrated in WP6 where the SEEMLA tools are developed.