Bioenergy Workshop, 2 March, 2016 at INEA, Brussels
Eighteen H2020 bioenergy (biogas and solid bioenergy) projects were represented by 14 project coordinators and/or partners in Brussels; SEEMLA was represented by FNR.
Project impacts and communication & support actions had been elaborated in three working groups (one biogas group and two solid bioenergy groups), in order to find possible links between similar projects, e.g. FORBIO (ELO and WIP, also launched in 01/2016) and SEEMLA. Other projects in the SEEMLA working group were BIN2GRID (WIP, Munich), Bioenergy4Business (AEBIOM, Brussels) and SRCplus (WIP, Munich). FORBIO is focusing on “underutilized land”, whereas SEEMLA’s main emphasis is put on marginal land, which can be seen as part of underutilized land.
An important outcome of this workshop was fostering networking even more between projects, especially if they have the same or comparable aims. In order to fulfil the “networking task” it is foreseen that partner projects are linked, e.g. by project websites and organizing joint events, e.g. a workshop, and preparing joint publications, or more generally speaking exchange information and experiences in the projects. Furthermore, for the future work in SEEMLA it will be of great importance spreading info incl. results and experiences from the project by using “multiplier” institutions, i.e. AEBIOM, ELO, ESEIA, EBA, but also national institutions.