4th Seemla national workshop: “Exploiting the potentialities of biomass production on MagLs in the Mediterranean region”
Thessaloniki, 28 November 2017
Mediterranean Palace Hotel, Salaminos 3 & Karatassou str, Thessaloniki
From 9.00 am to 14.15 pm
The main objective of the H2020 funded EU project SEEMLA is the establishment of suitable innovative land-use strategies for a sustainable production of plant-based energy on marginal lands, while improving general ecosystem services.
In the context of the Greek NREAP and the European CAP, a concept could be developed with SEEMLA, for a sustainable use of domestic biomass as an energy source, in order to ‘fill the gap’ of the future demands in renewable resources, till 2050. The project partner countries, besides Greece, are Germany, Italy and Ukraine.
The Workshop will emphasize on topics such as energy, bioenergy, production & use of biomass, nature conservation and environment protection and it is directed at experts and prospective stakeholders, who act in these areas of interest.
Key speakers:
Despina S. Chatzigavriel & Dr Aristoklis D. Anastasiadis, HORIZON S.A.
Dr Dimitrios Tertipis, P.P.C.R.
Prof. Phil. Aravanopoulos, F.G.L.-AU.TH.
Charalampos Lykidis, Researcher, Hellenic Agricultural Organization “Demeter”.
Ioannis Eleftheriadis, C.R.E.S.
Nikolaos Tsiantοulas, Sales Manager of ALFA Wood Group.
Click HERE to read the programme
Fotis Kiourtsis – Dimitris Keramitzis
(SEEMLA WP5 Leaders)