1st International SEEMLA Symposium: download the presentations
Dear users, you may download the presentations and the programme flyer of the EGU Session SSS2.10
“Soils of Mrginal Lands – Definition, Assessment and Land use Options” and SEEMLA Symposium
Programme (presentations in corresponding order) – Poster programme
SEEMLA Symposium
Saori Miyake & Damian Bargiel (solicited)
Vadym Ivanina (SEEMLA)
Massimo Fagnano & Nunzio Fiorentino
Frank Repmann et al. (SEEMLA)
Calliope Panoutsou (solicited)
Wibke Baumgarten & Vincent Pelikan (SEEMLA)
Rita Mergner et al. (FORBIO)
Spyridon Galatsidas et al. (SEEMLA)
Splinter Meeting
Wibke Baumgarten (SEEMLA)
Aline Clalüna (greenGain)
Stefan Schrader et al.
Claudia Oehmke et al.