18th Congress of Hellenic Forestry Society & International Workshop
The Democritus University of Thrace – DUTH participated to the 18th Congress of Hellenic Forestry Society & International Workshop that held in Edessa city from 8 to 11th of October 2017.
During the event, attended from more than 400 environmental scientists from Greece and Balkan countries, DUTH made two different presentations about biomasses:
“Development of a Local Biomass Supply Chain in Rodopi Mountain Range National Park” Gounaris, Karachristos, Kechagioglou, Galatsidas for Bioeuparks project
Also, a poster entitled “Tools development for defining and evaluation of MagLs for biomass production in Europe” (Galatsidas, Gounaris, Dimitriadis, Vlachaki) was presented in the Congress venue.